All of us are in the process of adjusting to the idea that the next several weeks will be a time when many of the activities we take for granted in our lives will be different. One of the most important things for us...
February 2020 Update
The past year has been a challenge for our mission in Haiti. A prolonged period of political turbulence suspended our travel to Haiti for the entire year. It has now been more than two years since we have sent a...
Balancing our Budget
Each June brings the opportunity for the Haiti Outreach program to take stock of our mission’s budget. Included in this review are the revenues and expenses of the previous year, how these items compare to previous...
Certification for the Bouly Clinic
Perhaps the most ambitious initiative of our outreach efforts in Haiti was the construction and operation of a remote clinic in the village of Bouly. The village is located about 12 miles from our sister parish in...
Opportunities and Challenges
We began the New Year, as always, with a combination of opportunities and challenges. Foremost on our minds was the political situation in Haiti, where for several days in November public demonstrations against the...
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