Daily life in Haiti continues to be arduous as the nation recovers from the massive 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit on August 14th and the effects of a tropical storm a week later.
Right after the quake we were able to touch base with Dr. Octave, Fr. Lamarre and Julio Geffrard, each of them were fine and all indicated there was very little to no damage in Boucan-Carré. Julio has family in Les Cayes, the hardest hit area, and members of the committee recently donated money so that he could buy food and water to take there for his family.
Your continued support is very much appreciated, and your donations go a long way to help the communities of Boucan-Carré and Bouly. In addition to our regular support to St. Michel Parish and the elementary and secondary schools, we also recently funded the rebuilding of a cistern to provide clean water to the medical clinic and residents of Bouly.
In August, members of our Program met in Miami with Bishop of Hinche, Jean Desinord, Sister Lunie, Dr Olgenn Octave and Father Lamarre, and partner organizations to discuss several potential future projects, including building a new church. We also continue to work to find ways to get medications to the clinic and pursuing getting the clinic certified by the government which will make access to medications easier.